Funter is an extra little utility for Mac OS X that can help make the Finder app within the operating system better. If you ever wished to decide whether to show or hide important system file and already hidden files, then this little extra can make that happen. Funter starts-up when the OS X system is first booted up. Nektony announced today the official launch of Funter 4.0 in the Mac App Store. Funter is a popular free tool designed specifically to hide and view hidden files and folders on Mac. The app gives anyone the ability to switch a file or folder visibility in one click, making it hidden or unhidden. The app searches for files in system folders and package contents, even where Spotlight never looks. Funter is a great application to use when finding hidden files on your Mac; this app is free to use and finds your hidden files within seconds. This app also allows you to hide files, find hidden files, and operate hidden files within seconds. Funter for Mac是Mac平台上一款文件隐藏工具,Funter mac版支持快速显示和隐藏文件和文件夹,支持在Finder中切换隐藏文件的可见性,另外Funter mac版还可以进行文件复制、移动、删除等操作,有需要文件隐藏工具的朋友可以试试这款Funter mac版哦!.
Funter Mac Download
Funter For Mac
The cool thing about this program is that it has a simple button that lets you enable or disable the option to view hidden files. From the minute you install it, it will always stay at the top of screen so you can save private files with a simple click. In any case Funter needs no more than a simple tap to hide or display any item.
On the other hand, this tool includes some secondary features showing how much space you're using on your Mac, so you can get rid of trash files that have accumulated on your machine. Plus the file explorer can substitute Finder to access any item.