Iridium Next

  1. Iridium Next Launch Schedule
  2. Iridium Next

Iridium NEXT will dramatically enhance Iridium’s ability to meet the growing demand for global mobile communications on land, at sea and in the skies. Iridium enables partners to create innovative products and solutions that haven’t even been conceived of yet, made possible through the flexibility of Iridium. Iridium NEXT is the Company's next-generation satellite constellation. To date, there have been four successful Iridium NEXT launches, deploying more than half of the new constellation. Four additional launches are planned for 2018.


Iridium Satellite Time and Location
New Frequencies
Test Mode
9602 AT Commands


IRIDIUM Corporate webpage.

Iridium History and News.

Iridium Next is expected to be significantly more capable than the legacysystem, which was originally designed by Motorola primarily for voicecommunications in the 1990s. Since then, the company has squeezed morecapability out of the system by bundling and using channel compressionto keep up with demands for higher throughputs, operating at about 2.4kilobytes per second.

The new Certus waveform will allow for more efficient channels and newantenna types that will increase bandwidth for handheld man-packableradios from 9.6 kilobytes per second to 88 kps. Large terminals, whichare more likely to be used on vessels and land stations in the Arcticwill range from 32 kps to 128 kps.

Certus 20 22 kbps
Certus 100 88 kbps
Certus 200 176 kbps
Certus 350 352 kbps
Certus 700 704 kbps
Certus 1400 1.4 Mbps

Iridium Certus terminals are being built by Cobham, L3 Communications,Rockwell-Collins, and Thales USA.

New satellites orbit at 780 km with an 86.4° inclination and can support 1,100 simultaneousequivalent user channels (peak).

Iridium launched the Satellite Time and Location (STL) service in May 2016,with primary technology partner Satelles (a division of iKare Corporation).

STL uses the narrowband paging channels of Iridium, a one-way transmissionfrom the satellite with a high gain system. The STL signal is differentfrom the wide band, lower gain two-way channel of the Iridium phone.

The STL signal is 1,000 times stronger than GPSbecause it originates from the Iridium constellation of 66 satellitesorbiting in a low earth orbit. It is also encrypted for high security,which greatly enhances resilient positioning, navigation and timing(PNT).

The Iridium Constellation consists of 66 Low Earth Orbiting (LEO)satellites, primarily used for global communications. The satellitestransmit in the L-Band at carrier frequencies in the range of 1616-1626.5MHz, using Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) with a symbol rate of25,000 symbols per second. Transmission is frame based, with framelength of 90 ms.

Iridium satellites travel at speeds of about 7500 m/s,resulting in variations of up to +/- 40 kHz from the nominal carrierfrequency due to Doppler effects. Compared to GNSS signals, Iridiumsignals have much higher raw signal power (300 ~ 2400x) as seen by areceiver on Earth.

Two main technical innovations are applied to the existing Iridium QPSKtransmission scheme in order to facilitate precision measurements.First, the QPSK data at the beginning of a STL burst is manipulatedto form a continuous wave (CW) marker, which can be used for burstdetection and coarse measurement. Second, the remaining QPSK data in theburst is organized into pseudo-random sequences, reducing the effectiveinformation data rate while providing a mechanism for precise measurementvia correlation with locally generated sequences. The processing gainassociated with the sequence correlation operation also enhances thecapability of the STL signal to penetrate buildings and other occlusions.

STL bursts are transmitted once every 1.4 seconds on average. If coarsetime is known, such as in the case of a receiver with a networkconnection, then precise time can be calculated by processing a singleburst. Assuming the receiver can process a burst in < 0.6 seconds,precise time and frequency can typically be acquired using STL in under2 seconds. The precise time and frequency information derived from asingle STL burst can be used to assist weak-signal GNSS acquisitions.Since the STL signal is more robust than GNSS, precise assistance isprovided to acquire GNSS signals as weak as -160 dBm, assuming that theSTL and GNSS signals are attenuated similarly by path occlusions.

Iridium completed deorbiting of 65 operational first-generation satelliteson December 28, 2019, a process started in 2017 as Iridium NEXT began launching.A total of 95 satellites were launched between 1997 and 2002. Thirty of thosemalfunctioned and remain in low earth orbit.
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base loftedthe first ten Iridium Next satellites into orbit on January 14, 2017.

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched from Vandenburg Air Force Base liftedthe second set of ten Iridium NEXT satellites on June 25, 2017.

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched from Vandenburg Air Force Base liftedthe third set of ten Iridium NEXT satellites in October 9, 2017.

In October 2008, the FCC granted Iridium exclusive access to1617.775 to 1618.725 MHz and shared access to 1618.725 to 1626.5 MHz,based on a sharing plan set out in November 2007.
In 2009, Iridium-33 collided with Cosmos-2251, a Russian satellite, resultingin more than a thousand pieces of debris.
Iridium uses a Frequency Division Multiple Access/Time DivisionMultiple Access (FDMA/TDMA) scheme for communication with thesatellites using differentially-encoded QPSK modulation at 2400 bits per second.

The subscriber links are in L-band between 1616 and 1626.5 MHz.

Feederlinks are in Ka band, with downlinks between 19.4 and 19.6 GHzand uplinks between 29.1 and 29.3 GHz.

Intersatellite links are between 23.18 and 23.38 GHz at 25 Mbps.

Ka band uplinks and cross-links are packetized TDMA, transmitted via QPSK with 1/2 rate convolutional forward error correction.

Each satellite provides 48 individual spot beams with a frequency re-usepattern. This provides a total of 1628 cells, with each cell coveringabout 30 mile footprint. Each cell has 174 full-duplex voice channels(there are 283,272 channels worldwide).

The Iridium SDU incorporates a 2.4 kbps Advanced Multi-Band Excitation(AMBE) vocoder developed by Digital Voice System Inc. (DVSI). Thisvocoder is tailored to the Iridium communication channel.

An Iridium channel is a specific FDMA frequency and TDMA timeslot.
Duplex Frequencies

Frequency access is 41.667 kHz
Occupied bandwidth is 31.5 kHz
Eight frequency accesses in a sub-band of 333.333 kHz
30 sub-bands total (240 frequency accesses)
currently sub-bands 8 - 30 in use

Sub-band Lower Frequency Upper Frequency
1 1616.000000 1616.333333
2 1616.333333 1616.666667
... ... ...
30 1625.666667 1626.000000

Simplex Frequencies

Channel Center Frequency
1 1626.020833
2 1626.062500
... ...
12 1626.479167

  • Simplex
    • Ring Alert (downlink only)
      Broadcast every 48 frames in each beam
      User sees Ring burst every 4.32 sec in each beam
      Length is between 7 and 20.32 ms
    • Broadcast (downlink only)
      Frequency, timing, and other system information
      Acquisition acknowledgment
      Channel assignments
    • Acquisition (uplink only)
      Slotted aloha random access
      Uses DE-BPSK
    • Message (downlink only)
  • Duplex
    • Synchronization
      prior to traffic channel operation
      same frequency and slot as traffic channel
      uplink uses DE-BPSK
    • Traffic
      Voice and Data
      Data uses 24-bit Frame Check Sequence

TDMA Frame
90 ms (2250 symbols = 4500 bits)
25 ksps

Guard time 1 ms
Simplex (downlink only) 20.32 ms
Preamble (unmodulated carrier) 64 symbols
Unique word (789 hex)
Guard time 1.24 ms
Uplink slot 1 8.28 ms
Guard time 0.22 ms
Uplink slot 2 8.28 ms
Guard time 0.22 ms
Uplink slot 3 8.28 ms
Guard time 0.22 ms
Uplink slot 4 8.28 ms
Guard time 0.22 ms
Downlink slot 1 8.28 ms
141 channel bits
Preamble (unmodulated carrier) 16 symbols
Unique word
Link Control word
Payload field
Guard time 0.1 ms
Downlink slot 2 8.28 ms
Preamble (unmodulated carrier) 16 symbols
Unique word
Link Control word
Payload field
Guard time 0.1 ms
Downlink slot 3 8.28 ms
Preamble (unmodulated carrier) 16 symbols
Unique word
Link Control word
Payload field
Guard time 0.1 ms
Downlink slot 4 8.28 ms
Preamble (unmodulated carrier) 16 symbols
Unique word
Link Control word
Payload field

Data Bursts

The uplink and downlink traffic channels use identical burst structures.

Purpose Bits
Preamble and Link Control 102
Iridium Radio Link Protocol (IRLP)
(includes 24-bit Frame Check Sequence)
Iridium Layer 2 Relay (I-L2R) 8
User Payload 248
--- ---
Total Bits 414

All data is transmitted at 50 kbps, so a 8.28 ms frame transfers 414 bits.

A 2400 bps traffic channel uses one Uplink and one Downlink per frame

  • Simplex Time Slot
    • Ring Alert
    • Messaging
  • Uplink Time Slot
    • Acquisition
    • Synchronization
    • Traffic
  • Downlink Time Slot
    • Broadcast
    • Synchronization
    • Traffic


From the FCC Order and Authorization (DA 96-1789). [MSC is Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc.]

Enhanced ringing and paging services. MSC requests explicit authorization for theIRIDIUM System to provide enhanced ringing and paging services, in addition to the kinds ofMSS service that it originally proposed to provide. The enhancement would enable users toreceive ringing and paging messages during heavier atmospheric fading conditions and inbuildings where attenuation is greater, according to MSC. One-way 'ring alert' channels at1626.270833 MHz would be used to alert subscribers with special receive-only mobile earthterminals to the presence of incoming paging calls. Paging messages would be transmitted to thereceive-only terminals at 1626.437500, 1626.395833, 1626.145833, or 1626.104167 MHz. Theirduration would not exceed 20.32 milliseconds. The transmit power for the ring alert channelwould be somewhat higher than the power used for a voice/data channel, so as to enable themobile earth terminals to receive ring alerts even when their antennas are stowed, but spurious-emission performance would be better than that of the two-way channels on the system whenfully loaded. MSC therefore contends that the addition of these services would not increaseinterference levels or complicate satellite-system coordination. No one else filed comments onthis proposal.

1626.104167 Paging messages (Quaternary)
1626.145833 Paging messages (Tertiary)
1626.270833 Ring Alert for incoming paging calls
1626.395833 Paging messages (Secondary)
1626.437500 Paging messages (Primary)


  1. Turn on receiver
  2. Acquire Ring Alert Channel
  3. Determine Broadcast Channel frequency and time
  4. Acquire Broadcast Channel for current beam
  5. Listen to Broadcast Acquisition Information message
  6. If acqusition is permitted, continue
  7. Select random Acquisition Channel
  8. Determine Doppler to correct uplink burst timing
  9. Transmit Acquisition Request message
  10. Listen for acknowledgment on Broadcast Channel
  11. If no answer, try again on random Acquisition Channel after random delay (slotted Aloha)
  12. Receive Channel Assignment message
  13. Move to Synchronization Channel
  14. Transmit Synchronization Check message
  15. Receive Synchronization Report message
  16. If Sync Status = Repeat Burst, adjust freq and timing and transmit Sync Check message
  17. If Sync Status = OK, send Sync Check message
  18. Receive Synchronization Report message or Traffic Switch message

Ring Alert

The Iridium Ring Alert broadcast channel operates at 1626.270 MHz and isan unencrypted downlink-only channel used to send messages to individualsubscriber units. These messages contain the satellite identifier,beam identifier, the latitude and longitude of the satellite location atground level (derived from a proprietary algorithm), satellite altitude.

Each beam transmits a Ring Alert message every 4.32 seconds. Since eachsatellite has 48 beams, a subscriber unit will receive a generic RingAlert message every 90 milliseconds (4,320 ms /48 beams).

Short Burst Data (SBD)

  • Data transfer rate: 125 bytes per second
  • Maximum Mobile-Originated: 1960 = 70 byte header segment + up to 14 segments of 135 bytes
  • Maximum Mobile-Terminated: 1890 = Up to 14 segments of 135 bytes
  • Service start announced in June 2003
SBD uses the Iridium signaling channel for data transport with a special message delivery protocol that is separate than that used for circuit-switched data calls.This results in each Iridium TDMA burst consisting of 160SBD information bits, 20 SBD header bits and 234 other overhead bits.These 160 information bits are protected by a BCH(31,20) FEC code, which is capable of correcting up to two bit errors.This error correction coded data is then protected by a 16-bit CRC errordetection code that is used in conjunction with a selective ARQ process.

At the output of the BCH decoding process, there are ten, 20-bit words(one header word, eight data words and one CRC word) that make up oneSBD PDU being fed to the CRC-16 decoding process.

Model Type Make Date
9500 Handset Motorola 1998
9501 Pager Motorola
9505 Handset Motorola 1999
9505A Handset Motorola
9520 Mobile Motorola 1998
9522 Mobile Motorola 2002
9522A Mobile Iridium 2005
9522B Mobile Iridium
9523 Handset Iridium
9555 Handset Iridium 2008
9570 Dock Iridium
9575 Handset Iridium
9601 SBD Module Motorola
9602 SBD Module Motorola
9603 SBD Module Motorola
SP-66 Pager Kyocera
SS-66K Handset Kyocera 1999
Emission Designator
The pertinent emission designator for the mobile satellite phone is 41K7Q7W.

Bandwidth is primarily determined by a 96 tap FIR filter used to filter I and Qchannel modulating signals and is consistent with a necessary bandwidthspecification of 41.667 kHz.Converting this result yields 41K7.

a. First Symbol - Type of Modulation of the main carrier.
The main carrier is pulsed in a TDMA format, utilizing Differentially Encoded Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (DEQPSK) techniques. This corresponds to symbol Q, associated with the carrier being 'angle modulated during the period of the pulse'.

b. Second Symbol - nature of signal(s) modulating the main carrier.
In-phase (I) and Quadrature (Q) modulating signals representing sampled, quantized voice or other audio information or data, modulates the main carrier.

This corresponds to symbol 7, derived from two channels 'containingquantized or digital information' modulated in-phase and quadraturemodulated.

c. Third Symbol - Type of information to be transmitted.
The information transmitted is a combination of data transmission (command data) and telephony (sample quantized voice or other audio signals).

This corresponds to W, defined as 'combinations of above' which would be the combination of the symbol D, 'Data transmission, telemetry, telecommand', and symbol E, 'Telephony (including sound broadcasting)'.The resulting complete emission designator is then 41K7Q7W.

FCC ID: E969898

Dimensions: 77w x 72.3h x 22.5d mm (3.03w x 2.85h x .88d in)
Weight: 118 grams (4.16 oz)
Battery Life: 30 days
Operating Temperature: -10°C to +50°CC (14°CF to 122°CF)
Operating Frequencies:
Primary: 1626.437500 MHz
Secondary: 1626.395833 MHz
Tertiary: 1626.145833 MHz
Quaternary: 1626.104167 MHz
Power Supply: one 1.5v AA-size alkaline battery
Alert Tone Frequency/Duration: 3200 Hz standard alert with 9 user selectable alerts
Alert Tone Loudness: 80dB typical at 12'

Motorola Part Numbers

Programming Kit MKLN4255A
Adapter IR 5862002D10
Software 6881032B40

Channel Plan
The frequency range of the equipment is in the band of 1616 MHz to 1626 MHz.

Band is channelized. Center frequency determined by:
1616 + 0.020833(2n - 1) MHz where (n = 1, ..., 240)

Channel Frequency
001 1616.021
003 1616.104
005 1616.188
007 1616.271
120 1620.979
122 1621.063
124 1621.146
126 1621.229
232 1625.646
234 1625.729
236 1625.813
238 1625.896

A 12-frequency access band is reserved for the simplex (ring alert and messaging)channels. These channels are located in a globally allocated 500 kHz band between1626.0 MHz and 1626.5 MHz. These frequency accesses are only used for downlinksignals and they are the only L-band frequencies that may be transmitted during thesimplex time-slot.

1 1626.020833 Guard Channel
2 1626.062500 Guard Channel
3 1626.104167 Quaternary Messaging
4 1626.145833 Tertiary Messaging
5 1626.187500 Guard Channel
6 1626.229167 Guard Channel
7 1626.270833 Ring Alert
8 1626.312500 Guard Channel
9 1626.354167 Guard Channel
10 1626.395833 Secondary Messaging
11 1626.437500 Primary Messaging
12 1626.479167 Guard Channel

Frequency Stability: +/- 0.00015 % (1.5 ppm)

This equipment uses Automatic FrequencyControl (AFC) to lock within +/- 600 Hz of the received frequency from theSpace Vehicle (SV). The mobile performs all frequency pre-correction forDoppler shifts, up to +/- 37.5 kHz. The system is designed to be tolerant of these frequencyoffsets.

Radio Frequency Output Power ranges from 0.1 to 0.6 Watts. The mobilemaximum output power is achieved under closed loop control with the SVnetwork. The mobile power will respond to commands from the SV networkto change power levels as defined in the specifications.

RF Power Output: Variable range from 0.1 to 0.6 Watts (by control of satellitenetwork via closed loop power control). The transmitter duty cycle allows forbursted transmission every 8.28 ms out of 90 ms, or 9.2%, at a rate of 50kbps, or 25 k symbols/sec.

Modulation is DEQPSK (Differentially Encoded Quadrature Phase Shift Keying).

Each satellite beam broadcasts which Acquisition Classes are allowedto acquire satellite resource on that beam. Only SDUs with theproper Acquisition Class (AC) are allowed to start the acquisitionprocess. Acquisition Class ranges from 0-15. Default non-safety Iridiumterminals use an Acquisition Class in the range of 0-9.

Acquisition Class is mainly used for satellite load shedding. In asatellite beam with heavy traffic load, certain Acquisition Classes(e.g., AC0-9) will be shut down to prohibit further traffic load on thesatellite.

0-9: Regular Subscribers
10: Emergency Calls
11: Fire, Police, Rescue Agencies
12-13: Reserved
14: Aeronautical Safety Service
15: Iridium Use

The Acquisition Class affects how calls initially gain access to thesatellite constellation.

The Iridium Satellite Network allows for four levels of priority. Eachsatellite has priority queuing for both channel assignment of new callsand handoff order of in-progress calls. High priority calls, takingprecedence, are queued before low priority calls.

Currently both the Acquisition Class and Priority Class are encoded on aSIM card; hence the Acquisition Class and Priority Class are associatedwith a SIM card and an SDU that uses that SIM card.

Iridium devices that are capable of completing circuit-switched calls use aSubscriber Identity Module (SIM), a type ofsmartcard.
IRIDIUM-Specific SIM Files
Besides the standard SIM files for a GSM (Global System for Mobiles) network, Iridium SIMs also containan additional Directory File (DF) called DFIRIDIUM with an identifier of 5F30.

This DF contains seven Elementary Files. I do not have documentationfor these files:

A summary of the data in the Iridium-specific files:

Iridium Next Launch Schedule

The Iridium authentication process is adapted without change directly from the GSM specifications.

The GSM encryption algorithm A3 is executed on SIM card to generate Signed Result (SRES) response based on the following inputs:

  • Secret Ki parameter stored in SIM card
  • RAND parameter supplied by network

The Iridium SIM supports the standardGSM authentication algorithm (known as A3) and theciphering key generating algorithm (known as A8). They are combined in a single SIMinstruction called 'RUN GSM ALGORITHM'.


To SIM (21): A0 88 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (The 'RUN GSM ALGORITHM' and 16 bytes representing RAND)
From SIM (2): 9F 0C (Instruction was successful, 12 bytes of response are available)
To SIM (5): A0 C0 00 00 0C (The 'GET RESPONSE' instruction)
From SIM (14): 00 91 AD C7 49 58 94 27 2C 02 90 00 90 00 (12 bytes of response plus two additional bytes)

  • The first four bytes (00 91 AD C7) comprise the signed response (SRES)
  • The next eight bytes (49 58 94 27 2C 02 90 00) are the cipher key (Kc)
  • The last two bytes (90 00) indicate successful execution of the command.

It is interesting to note that the last ten bits of Kc are always zero, reducing the effective keyspacefrom 64 to 54 bits. Terrestrial GSM has long been limited, as summarized in a document (Tdoc SMG P-99-011)from an ETSI/TC/SMG meeting in Italy in 1998:

The GSM encryption uses in principle a 64 bit key. However at introduction of GSM it was decided to limitthe effective key size to 54 bits. This should have been realised by the SIM and the Authentication Centre(AuC) both forcing 10 specific bits of the encryption key to zero.
Command Description
*#06# Display IMEI
*#91# Display Firmware Version (some models)
- Works on 9500 version INC0620 but not INC0202
*#323# [Green key] Reformat the phonebook file system (9555)
*#888# [Green key] Put the phone in DFU mode (9555)
The original Motorola 9500 handset supports a test mode using a special test SIM card.There is some overlap between the test commands used on Motorola GSM cellular telephones.

I would be interested in receiving a list of all the available test mode commands, and/or the entireservice manual for an Iridium phone.

With the special SIM card in place, press and hold the [#] key for more than three seconds.

Code Function Result
01# Exit test mode Exits test mode
19# Show call processor software version Host INC0212
191# Show boot version Boot INC0212
192# Show modem version Modem INC0212
193# Show vocoder version Vocoder INC0216
194# Show EEPROM version EEPROM INC0205
58# Show security code SECUR 000000
59# Show lock code LOCK 1234
60# Show IMEI 3000001000344001
61# Show Location MCC LAI MCC 001
62# Show Location MNC LAI MNC 01
63# Show Location LAC LAI LAC 65534
64# Show Location Update Loc Updt Stat 1
65# Show IMSI (from SIM) 001010123456789
661# Show TMSI 1 TMSI 1 244
662# Show TMSI 2 TMSI 1 255
69# Cipher Key Cipher Key 7
7101# Show self test information INFO 01 02
7102# Show self test information INFO 02 00
7103# Show self test information INFO 03 02
7104# Show self test information INFO 04 01
7105# Show self test information INFO 05 F8
88# Display real-time clock Tue Sep 19
11:47:58 1995
99# Display hardware test All display elements illuminate

27 is a transmit test.

xxx = channel number
yy = power step
z = modulation

Transmit random data (z = 1) on channel 001 at maximum power (00): 27001001#

Transmit a tone (z = 0) on channel 240 at minimum power (08): 27240080#

Stop transmitting: 27#

One command that is different is the Static Traffic Channel command ( #29xxyyzabc# ).

  • Application of Iridium Telecommunications to Oceanographic and Polar Research, 2004
  • Manual on the Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Service, ICAO Document 9925, 2010
  • 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Services and system Aspects; Security related network functions (Release 11), 3GPP TS 43.020, 2011
The 9602 is a Short Burst Data (SBD) module that provides packetized data connectivity.It communicates with an external device via a serial connectionand uses 'AT' commands.

Default serial communication parameters: 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit.
DTR and RTS lines are raised. CTS and DSR will be asserted in response.

Command Response
ATI0 2400
ATI1 0000
ATI3 TA10003
ATI4 IRIDIUM 9600 Family
ATI5 8816
ATI6 07X
ATI7 BOOT07d2/HW03(9602revE)/04/RAW02
E1 Q0 V1 D2 K3
S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S13:049 S14:170 S21:048 S23:012
S39:003 S121:001S122:001
E1 Q0 V1 D2 K3
S02:043 S13:049 S14:170 S21:048 S23:012 S39:003 S121:001S122:001
S02:043 S13:049 S14:170 S21:048 S23:012 S39:003 S121:001S122:001
E1 Q0 V1 D2 K3
S02:043 S13:049 S14:170 S21:048 S23:012 S39:003 S121:001S122:001
S02:043 S13:049 S14:170 S21:048 S23:012 S39:003 S121:001S122:001
AT+CGMI Iridium
AT+CGMM IRIDIUM 9600 Family SBD Transceiver
AT+CGMR Call Processor Version: TA10003
DSP Version: 1.3 svn: 719
DBB Version: 0x0001 (ASIC)
RFA Version: 0x0003
NVM Version: KVS
BOOT Version: BOOT07d2/HW03(9602revE)/04/RAW02
AT+CGSN 300234010602700

Send mail to Dan Veeneman
Updated January 13, 2021

What is Iridium Next | Applications, Features of Iridium Next

This page mentions Iridium Next basics.It mentions features of Iridium Next and also mentions applications of Iridium Next system.It compares it with existing Iridium system.

Recently SpaceX has launched satellites to complete about 20 in thenew constellation orbit as per contract with Iridium Communications.Few more launches will complete total of 75 satellites in the newconstellation. Out of these 66 satellites are operational and nine satellitesare placed as spare satellites.

Once these new satellites are placed in the orbit side of theold satellites; New satellite constellation will be operational.This new constellation will provide seamless transfer for itscustomers from aging Iridium constellation.Once the new constellation will be operational,the original satellites will be fired to lower their orbitsfor disposal.The system has been started in 2012 and will be fully operational by 2025.

Iridium next cost

Following are the silent features of Iridium Next system.
• 66 operational satellites in LEO (Low Earth Orbit) with 9 in spares
• Expanded capacity, high data speeds andability to host payloads are some ofthe new advantages of this system
• 9 times improvement in throughput
• 125 times improvement in memory capacity
• High quality voice
• Internet, Text and other data applications
Refer Iridium Satellite System features>>.

Applications of Iridium Next system

Following are the applications of Iridium Next System.
• High speed and broadband services
• M2M (Machine to Machine) and IoT (Internet of Things) applications
• Use of internet and other services (voice, text sms etc.) in maritime communications
• Use of internet in remote inaccessible areas of the earth
• Instead of getting aeroplane location from ground stations,Aeroplane will provide its location to the ground stations with the help ofonboard satellite transponder. The Iridium Next system will be very useful airportcommunication and air traffic control.
• Satellites in the new constellation will have life span ofabout 20 years instead of 7 to 9 years lifespan of old satellites inoriginal constellation.

Iridium Satellite Related Links

Iridium Satellite System features with constellation
Iridium Call Setup
Iridium Satellite Phone country codes
Iridium Satellite Phone Manufacturers

Iridium Next


What is Difference between

Iridium vs Global Star vs ICO
Difference between SCPC and MCPC
Difference between DAMA vs PAMA vs RMA
difference between FDM and OFDM
Difference between SC-FDMA and OFDM
Difference between SISO and MIMO
Difference between TDD and FDD

RF and Wireless Terminologies

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