CADintosh X

You’re using a web browser that isn’t supported by Facebook. To get a better experience, go to one of these sites and get the latest version of your preferred. Windows PCにCADintosh X をダウンロードしてインストールします。 あなたのコンピュータにCADintosh Xをこのポストから無料でダウンロードしてインストールすることができます。PC上でCADintosh Xを使うこの方法は、Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10とすべてのMac OSで動作します。. CADintosh is a 2D CAD program for technical draftsmen and designers. This short tutorial shows the first steps on construction of a floor plan. What is CADintosh X for Mac CADintosh is a 2D-CAD program for technical and architectural drawings. CADintosh is a 2D CAD (computer-aided design) program for creating technical and architectural drawings. Digital audio labs driver. You benefit from professional and well thought-out functions for all your design requirements. CADintosh 3.x & 4.x - Macintosh Garden.

  1. Cadintosh
  2. Cadintosh X
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Year released:
[www].se [ftp].se [mirror].us [mirror].de
cadintosh_3.0.3_pd_us.sea_.sit (1.14 MB)
MD5: 6ed6dd7f97b55fe649d9c3b65d42426c
For System 7.0 - 7.6 - Mac OS 9
[www].se [ftp].se [mirror].us [mirror].de
CADintosh_3.5.1US_FAT.sit (1.57 MB)
MD5: 150f286d2568ba67add6435023b90a41
For System 7.0 - 7.6 - Mac OS 9
CADintosh X
[www].se [ftp].se [mirror].us [mirror].de
cadintosh_68k.sit (2.03 MB)
MD5: 0b1f381105efa0569b3c095492608573
For System 7.0 - 7.6 - Mac OS 9
[www].se [ftp].se [mirror].us [mirror].de
CADintosh_4.4US_PPC.sit (2.78 MB)
MD5: 31829c97a2400cc22796beeeffe422aa
For System 7.0 - 7.6 - Mac OS 9
[www].se [ftp].se [mirror].us [mirror].de
CADintosh_4.4US_PPC_Carb.sit (2.78 MB)
MD5: d9356785ecce4f8f6b4433eff530e0ba
For System 7.0 - 7.6 - Mac OS 9
This software is still available for purchase
This app works with: SheepShaver, Basilisk II,

CADintosh is a 2D CAD (computer-aided design) program for creating technical and architectural drawings. You benefit from professional and well thought-out functions for all your design requirements. Features include interactive window redrawing; line, arc, dimension, spline, and hatching tools; import and export of HPGL, DXF, IGES and PICT files; six line types (solid, dash, dot-dash, phantom, zigzag, and dotted); and more.

Cadintosh x

CAD application for 68k/PPC computers. Useable shareware.


This is shareware and is still available for purchase. The purchase page linked above has instructions listed under the 'Buying Older Versions' section at the bottom of that page. Minecraft playstation 5.

  • Top DL: CADintosh v3.0.3
  • 2nd DL: CADintosh v3.5.1 • 68k/PPC (FAT) (S/N included in download)
  • 3rd DL: CADintosh v4.0 • 68k
  • 4th DL: CADintosh v4.4 • PPC (S/N included in download)
  • 5th DL: CADintosh v4.4 • PPC Carbonized (S/N included in download)

Cadintosh X

Architecture: 68k PPC PPC (Carbonized)