Carbon Atom

  • The Element Carbon Carbon is the chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol C and atomic number 6. An abundant nonmetallic, tetravalent element, carbon has several allotropic forms: diamonds (hardest known mineral).
  • The carbon atom at each end of a carbon chain is primary. For example, butane has two primary carbon atoms. A carbon atom that is bonded to two other carbon atoms is a secondary carbon atom, designated by the symbol 2°. For example, the middle carbon atoms of butane are secondary (Figure 3.1a).

Since 1961 the standard unit of atomic mass has been one-twelfth the mass of an atom of the isotope carbon-12. An isotope is one of two or more species of atoms of the same chemical element that have different atomic mass numbers (protons + neutrons).

To understand life as we know it, we must first understand a little bit of organic chemistry. Organic molecules contain both carbon and hydrogen. Though many organic chemicals also contain other elements, it is the carbon-hydrogen bond that defines them as organic. Organic chemistry defines life. Just as there are millions of different types of living organisms on this planet, there are millions of different organic molecules, each with different chemical and physical properties. There are organic chemicals that make up your hair, your skin, your fingernails, and so on. The diversity of organic chemicals is due to the versatility of the carbon atom. Why is carbon such a special element? Let's look at its chemistry in a little more detail.

The uniqueness of carbon

Carbon (C) appears in the second row of the periodic table and has four bondingelectrons in its valence shell (see our Periodic Table module for more information). Similar to other non-metals, carbon needs eight electrons to satisfy its valence shell. Carbon therefore forms four bonds with other atoms (each bond consisting of one of carbon's electrons and one of the bonding atom's electrons). Every valence electron participates in bonding; thus, a carbon atom's bonds will be distributed evenly over the atom's surface. These bonds form a tetrahedron (a pyramid with a spike at the top), as illustrated below:

Organic chemicals get their diversity from the many different ways carbon can bond to other atoms. The simplest organic chemicals, called hydrocarbons, contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms; the simplest hydrocarbon (called methane) contains a single carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms:

But carbon can bond to other carbon atoms in addition to hydrogen, as illustrated in the molecule ethane below:

In fact, the uniqueness of carbon comes from the fact that it can bond to itself in many different ways. Carbon atoms can form long chains:

branched chains:


There appears to be almost no limit to the number of different structures that carbon can form. To add to the complexity of organic chemistry, neighboring carbon atoms can form double and triple bonds in addition to single carbon-carbon bonds:

Keep in mind that each carbon atom forms four bonds. As the number of bonds between any two carbon atoms increases, the number of hydrogen atoms in the molecule decreases (as can be seen in the figures above).

Comprehension Checkpoint

__________ can form long chains, branched chains, and rings.

Simple hydrocarbons

The simplest hydrocarbons are those that contain only carbon and hydrogen. These simple hydrocarbons come in three varieties depending on the type of carbon-carbon bonds that occur in the molecule.

Carbon Atom


Alkanes are the first class of simple hydrocarbons and contain only carbon-carbon single bonds. The alkanes are named by combining a prefix that describes the number of carbon atoms in the molecule with the root ending 'ane'. The names and prefixes for the first ten alkanes are given in the following table.

3 PropPropane C3H8CH3CH2CH3
4 ButButane C4H10CH3CH2CH2CH3
5 PentPentane C5H12CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3
6 HexHexane C6H14 ...
7 HeptHeptaneC7H16
8 OctOctane C8H18
9 NonNonane C9H20
10 DecDecane C10H22

The chemical formula for any alkane is given by the expression CnH2n+2. The structural formula, shown for the first five alkanes in the table, shows each carbon atom and the elements that are attached to it. This structural formula is important when we begin to discuss more complex hydrocarbons. The simple alkanes share many properties in common. All enter into combustionreactions with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. In other words, many alkanes are flammable. This makes them good fuels. For example, methane is the main component of natural gas, and butane is common lighter fluid.

CH4 + 2O2CO2 + 2H20
The chemical reaction between a fuel (for example wood) and an oxidizing agent.


The second class of simple hydrocarbons, the alkenes, consists of molecules that contain at least one double-bonded carbon pair. Alkenes follow the same naming convention used for alkanes. A prefix (to describe the number of carbon atoms) is combined with the ending 'ene' to denote an alkene. Ethene, for example is the two-carbon molecule that contains one double bond. The chemical formula for the simple alkenes follows the expression CnH2n. Because one of the carbon pairs is double bonded, simple alkenes have two fewer hydrogen atoms than alkanes.


Alkynes are the third class of simple hydrocarbons and are molecules that contain at least one triple-bonded carbon pair. Like the alkanes and alkenes, alkynes are named by combining a prefix with the ending 'yne' to denote the triple bond. The chemical formula for the simple alkynes follows the expression CnH2n-2.

Comprehension Checkpoint

The simplest of hydrocarbons are called


Because carbon can bond in so many different ways, a single molecule can have different bondingconfigurations. Consider the two molecules illustrated here:

Carbon Atom Periodic Table




Both molecules have identical chemical formulas (shown in the left column); however, their structural formulas (and thus some chemical properties) are different. These two molecules are called isomers. Isomers are molecules that have the same chemical formula but different structural formulas.

Comprehension Checkpoint

When molecules have the same number and type of atoms, they must have the same structure.

Carbon Atom Diagram

Functional groups

In addition to carbon and hydrogen, hydrocarbons can also contain other elements. In fact, many common groups of atoms can occur within organicmolecules, these groups of atoms are called functional groups. One good example is the hydroxyl functional group. The hydroxyl group consists of a single oxygen atom bound to a single hydrogen atom (-OH). The group of hydrocarbons that contain a hydroxyl functional group is called alcohols. The alcohols are named in a similar fashion to the simple hydrocarbons, a prefix is attached to a root ending (in this case 'anol') that designates the alcohol. The existence of the functional group completely changes the chemical properties of the molecule. Ethane, the two-carbon alkane, is a gas at room temperature; ethanol, the two-carbon alcohol, is a liquid.

Ethanol, common drinking alcohol, is the active ingredient in 'alcoholic' beverages such as beer and wine.


The chemical basis of all living organisms is linked to the way that carbon bonds with other atoms. This introduction to organic chemistry explains the many ways that carbon and hydrogen form bonds. Basic hydrocarbon nomenclature is described, including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and isomers. Functional groups of atoms within organic molecules are discussed.

Carbon Atom 666

Carbon Atomic Structure

It is interesting to note the carbon atom has 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons. The graphic represents a model for the carbon atom. This is the base atomic structure of our elemental body on the earth. Protons, electrons and neutrons build elements in a straight forward manner. For each additional proton, a new element is created. For each proton, an additional electron is attracted. The number of neutrons also increases but not necessarily one neutron per proton. When changes, such as ionization are made to the base 666 structure a new element can be potentially manifested. This is the alchemical shift for the elemental body described by the Aurora through the vivified potential brought through the Four Living Creatures returning to the earth. Our physical carbon based body is shifting to less density through alterations made in the anti-particle structure. This process has been defined by the Aurora Re-encryptions of the elemental body. The carbon atom represented is mutating to accommodate the new elemental body on the earth. Which means human bodies are mutating to evolve beyond the base 666 carbon atom. Additionally, to remove the frequency fence and quarantine of the “666” fields, we absorb plasma light which changes the number of electrons and frees us from the carbon atomic structure. It is this process the Aurora Guardians are devoted to help humanity to embody higher frequency plasma light in order for this shift to occur at the most elemental level of the physical structure of matter. This is the chemistry behind the Aurora Re-encryptions of the physical elemental body which is the Guardian Host project to upgrade the base atomic structure via Plasma Waves and plasma ships.[1]

Quarantine 666

This “quarantine” is a genetic block that forced the Soul consciousness to reincarnate over and over again on the 3D earth plane (and other planets in an appropriate dimensional field) in order to reclaim missing pieces and soul parts, as well as learn how to evolve back into wholeness with the natural laws of God, The Law of One. However, along the course of the Timelines the NAA bullies took advantage of this quarantine by forcing human Soul reincarnation into their control mechanism, the False Ascension Matrix. This quarantine was originally placed to protect other realms, planets and the human being itself, as such fragmentation created an endangerment to that consciousness. This was a benevolent method to reassemble missing DNA tones and soul parts that had been lost or damaged in the trauma of previous life cycles.


  1. September 2013 Newsletter

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