The Decimal number is commonly used by the general public and it is commonly referred to as the base 10 numbering system. The binary system is only comprised of two base values 0 and 1. The modern machines can use these digits to solve problems related to computing because the two states use the transistor in the digital electronics. CakePHP Decimal Plugin This is an alternative to the core one (using float in 3.x and string in 4.x) and Shim plugin (using string in 3.x just like 4.x will). As the decimal to ASCII conversion is a step wise process, it requires a lot of time to get done with the job. However, users who use this tool do not have use their time. You only have to enter the data in decimal format and the tool would execute all the remaining tasks. But when he put 555555 it's error, so I need to specify the mask where the mantissa is optional 0 to 999 and the decimal part is programmable 2 or 3 according to choice of the user, I'm using JQuery Masked input plugin and I have not found good regular expression, please, help, I'm working with jsp / servlet.
Collection of free jQuery input mask plugins. Input mask for date, hour, ZIP code, money, IP adress, telephone, CPF and other.
Decimal Plugin Online
jQuery Mask Plugin
Drivers egalax motherboards. A jQuery Plugin to make masks on form fields and HTML elements.
Features- lightweight (~2kb minified, ~1kb gziped)
- built-in support for dynamically added elements
- masks on any HTML element (no need to server-side mask anymore!)
- HTML notation support (data-mask, data-mask-recursive, data-mask-clearifnotmatch)
- string/Numeric/Alpha/Mixed masks
- reverse mask support for masks on numeric fields
- sanitization
- optional digits
- recursive Digits
- fallback Digits
- advanced mask initialization
- advanced Callbacks
- on-the-fly mask change
- mask removal
- full customization
- compatibility with React/UMD/Zepto.js/Angular.JS
- HTML5 placeholder support
- Clear the field if it not matches support
Decimal Plus Decimal
All in One Product Quantity for WooCommerce Ssh fido2. plugin lets you take a full control of product order quantities in WooCommerce.
Whether you want to set a minimum quantity for all products in your WooCommerce store, a maximum one, or a quantity step so customers can only buy in multiplications of your defined step, you can accomplish that with this plugin.
And to make it even better, the plugin now has a Default Quantity section which will allow you to show a default quantity for your products when customers open the product page, or even on archives/categories pages.
Product Quantity for WooCommerce plugin is a full set of features grouped in just one location for your ease, it will give you a full control over your WooCommerce products quantities so you can set up orders the way your store works.
More to what is mentioned above, you can also define decimal values for products in your store, show total price based on quantity in the product page (before the cart), show a dropdown menu for quantities, and more.
Main Features
- Set minimum products order quantities (cart total minimum quantity or per item minimum quantity).
- Set maximum products order quantities (cart total maximum quantity or per item maximum quantity).
- Set product quantity step (cart total quantity step or per item quantity step).
- Set product default quantity for all your store products.
- Enable decimal quantities in WooCommerce.
- Replace standard WooCommerce quantity number input with dropdown.
- Set exact (i.e. fixed) allowed or disallowed quantities (as comma separated list).
- Show total price for the quantity in 5 locations: Before / instead / after the price, before / after add to cart
- Define a unit to show next to price (i.e. $10 per KG)
- Show quantity field on archive / categories pages so customers can add to cart directly the desired quantity
More Features
- Customize messages your customer sees.
- Enable/disable cart notices.
- Enable/disable add to cart quantity validation and correction.
- Optionally stop customer from reaching the checkout page on wrong quantities.
- Add product quantity info on single product and/or archive pages.
- Price display by quantity in real-time.
- Force initial quantity on single product and/or archive pages to either min or max quantity.
- Set quantity input style.
- Hide “Update cart” button.
- Display quantity admin columns in products list.
Premium Version: Do More
The plugin Pro version allows you to set minimum quantity, maximum quantity, quantity step, default quantity, and exact (fixed) allowed & disallowed quantities options on Per Product Basis (i.e. different for each product).
So for example, Product A can have a minimum quantity of 5, maximum of 100, and step of 5, while product B can have no minimum quantity, maximum of 51 and step of 10 (Why 51? Simply because it has minimum of 1, then based on step 10, allowed quantities will be 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, and 51, but of course you can just leave it at 50, then the real maximum will be 41).
The Pro version also allows setting all these values on category level, so you can save yourself hours of input by just specifying the needed value on category base.
Demo Store
If you want to try the plugin features, play around with its settings before installing it on your live website, feel free to do so on this demo store:
User: demo
Password: G6_32e!r@
You can either download the plugin from plugins and then upload it (as .zip file) to the /wp-content/plugins/
Or search for it in the plugins directory from inside your WordPress website (Plugins >> Add New) and install it.
Then activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
Finally, you can start using it directly at “WooCommerce > Settings > Product Quantity”.