Anydesk Not Connected To Internet

Anydesk allows users to access to remote desktop computers over the internet. I have a problem with Anydesk Anydesk outages reported in the last 24 hours. Anydesk allows users to access to remote desktop computers over the internet. I have a problem with Anydesk Anydesk outages reported in the last 24 hours.

User InterfaceSecurityPrivacyDisplayAudioConnectionFile TransferRecording
  • 2Security
  • 7Connection

User Interface

  • Set language
  • Show ID instead of Alias
  • Hide local taskbar when window is maximized
  • Ask for session comment after session
The session comment will be sent to the AnyDesk Portal linked to the current licence.
  • Open Address Book on startup
  • Display Accept Window on incoming chat message.
Each time a chat message arrives, the Accept Window will come to the foreground.


Might need to be unlocked first (e.g. if AnyDesk is installed). This can be done by administrators only.

Interactive Access

Incoming session requests can either be automatically rejected or need user interaction.
In case Interactive Access is enabled, the Accept Window will be shown whenever an incoming session request arrives.
To start the session the request has to be accepted either by pressing 'Accept' in the Accept Window or by sending valid credentials (see Unattended Access).

There are three options for incoming session requests:

  • Allow always
  • Only allow when AnyDesk's main window is open
  • Disable
Note: In case Interactive Access is disabled, session requests can still be accepted by sending valid credentials (see Unattended Access).

Unattended Access

See Unattended Access.

Access Control List white-listing a namespace.

Access Control List

  • Limit access to your device by using a whitelist.
  • Incoming session requests from IDs/Aliases that do not match at least one listed criterion will be blocked automatically.
  • Wildcards are supported. For example to allow access from all members of a namespace called namespace add *@namespace to the list.


How To Connect Anydesk Without Internet

  • Keep your AnyDesk client automatically up to date. This is not yet available for custom clients.
  • Download updates and ask for installation.
  • Disable auto-update.
  • Beta version


User NameA custom or user account name displayed in various locations.
User ImageA custom or user account image displayed in various locations, including the Accept Window. Can be disabled.
Desk PreviewA screenshot or wallpaper of your device displayed in the Address Book or the list of Recent Sessions of other AnyDesk clients. Can be disabled.
Screenshot PathThe path where to save screenshots made during a session.
Chat LogThe path where to save the chat log. Chat logging can be disabled from here.


QualityChoose between higher quality or a better reaction time.
Visual HelpersThese helpers give you better visibility of actions. Like:
Show remote cursor
Follow remote cursor
Follow remote window focus
Show move/size helper
Transmit hotkeys
View ModeControls how the remote image is displayed locally: original size, shrinked or stretched.
Choose if to start new sessions in fullscreen mode and if to use edge scrolling in original mode.
Hardware AccelerationChoose your preferred renderer (OpenGL/Direct3D/DirectDraw) or disable acceleration.
You can also choose to reduce the rendering to 16bit.
Individual SettingsSave settings for each desk or reset them after AnyDesk is restarted.


More information on AnyDesk Audio can be found by clicking here.


Connections Tab in Settings

Direct Connection

Direct connections are usually faster than those using a server to communicate. However, in some network environments the connection may be closed after some time,for example because of firewall interaction. Disable direct connections in the settings to avoid unexpected session ends.

Local Port Listening

For direct connections in the local network TCP Port 7070 is used for listening by default. This port is opened when installing AnyDesk.To specify a custom port go to Settings ยป Connection. (Must be set for all clients.)


Anydesk Not Connected To Internet

Why Is Anydesk Not Connecting

AnyDesk supports using a Proxy Server. Available working modes are:

  • disabled
  • determined automatically (Proxy Auto-Config / PAC)
  • specified
  • IP
  • Port
  • Authentification

Note: The Proxy must support CONNECT Method. Authentification can be done with basic access and digest access. NTLM is supported in the current beta.

File Transfer

See File_Manager_and_File_Transfer.


Anydesk Not Connected To Internet Connection

See Session Recording.