This document describes procedures to program PROMs (Programmable ReadOnly Memory). The PROMs are programmed using data in a
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Remember that the HEX file must have lines that begin with colons(':'). If you create a HEX file using the Truth Table program, itwill looklike this:
Delete the first few lines to get the following:
Using the '.HEX' File toProgram a PROM in LogicWorks
The next three steps are for Logicworks on PCs (it is similar forMac). Assume that the .HEX file is in wiliki.
Step 1. Transfer the '.HEX' file from wiliki to the PC
The SSH Secure File Transfer program, available in the EE 260 Lab(Holmes 451) andthe EE Computer Lab (Holmes 387), transfers files between a local andaremote computer. The local computer is the one you'reusing,and the remote is somewhere else. For our purposes, the remotecomputerwill be wiliki, where the .HEX file is located. Drivers eq-3 network & wireless cards. A file transfercanbe a download, which goes from remote to local, or an upload,which goes from local to remote.
Start the SSH Secure File Transfer, which will open a window. Under the File menu, select Connect. When the programprompts you for a machine, enter
Now logon. The window will show your files on the local andremote computers. You can navigate around by pointing andclicking. Youcan also create folders/directories.
Navigate on wiliki until you find your HEX file. Navigate onyour local computer until you find a folder to download the file. Select your HEX file on wiliki. Under the Operation menu,select Download. The file should transfer, and you're done. Unity find object by tag. You can close the connectionby simply exiting or closing the application.
- Start LogicWorks 5. In Holmes 387, LogicWorks 5 can befound in folder 'EE Basic Design' or on the drive K 'eepcserver', underLogicworks 5 (click the logicworks exe file).
- Make sure your own parts 'library' is loaded, so that you canstore your new PROM part in it (click here togeta refresher on how to start a new library):
- Under the Simulation menu, select the 'PLA/PROM/RAM ConstructionWizard.' This will take you through a series of queries:
- Select Type of Device to Build: Select PROM.
- Device Specifications:
- Address Lines: Enter number of inputs*.
- Bits Per Word: Enter number of outputs**.
- Data Entry Method: Select Intel Format Hex File
- Navigate until you find the HEX file, then select.
- Select a name for the PROM, e.g., 'Lab 20 Circuit'
- Select your library to store the PROM.
* Logicworks only allows the number to be powers of2. So you may end up having slightly more inputs than you need. Theextra inputs are the ones corresponding to the most significant bits. Whenusing the circuit, tie these to Ground (0). For example, supposeyouneed 5 inputs but must select 8. This leaves you with a PROM withinputsIn7, In6,.. In0. When you use the PROM, connect In7, In6, andIn5to Ground.
** Logicworks only allows the numbers to be powers of 2. You mayendup having slightly more outputs than you need. The extra outputsarethe ones corresponding to the most significant bits. You canignore these. For example, suppose you need 3 outputs but mustselect 4. This leaves you with a PROM with inputs Out3, Out2,Out1, Out0. When youuse the PROM, ignore Out3.
Step 3. Delete your files from the PC if it's not your own. Durametric usb devices driver. Don'tforget your thumb drive or disks.
Appendix A: Refresher
- Creating a new devices (or parts) library forLogicWorks:
- Open LogicWorks if it's not already.
- The libraries menu should appear on the right side. If not,you can open the menu by clicking the library icon, which is a pictureof a collection of books.
- In the upper right corner of the menu, there's an 'x'. Pointthe mouse there and click the mouse's right button. That should openanother menu where you can create a new library or load existing one.In either chase you must then navigate until you find a location tostore your new library or find the existing library.
Appendix B: Intel Hex File Format
We will be using the IntelHex File format to program Programmable Read Only Memory (PROMs)such as the 2732. The format specifies the memory location of thedata, and the data values itself. In addition, it has informationto check for bit errors. The file is a text file but representing hexadecimal numbers. Ahexadecimal number is a number that has base 16. So each digitcan have one of 16 values, {0, 1, 2, .., 14, 15}. The digit is asingle symbol. For the values 10, 11, .., 15, the symbols are'A' = 10, 'B' = 11, 'C' = 12, .., 'E' = 14, and 'F' = 15. Theletters may be upper or lower case. As an example, thehexadecimal number FA is equal to 15x16 + 10. Hexadecimal numbersare useful to represent binary values because it is easy to convert ahexadecimal number to binary and vice versa. Each hexadecimaldigit represents 4 bits. For example the hexadecimal number 'FA'is equal to the binary number '1111 1010'. To convert ahexadecimal number to binary, just convert each hexadecimal digit toits equivalent 4-bit binary number. To convert a binary number tohexadecimal, just partition the binary number into 4-bit chunksstarting from the right. Then convert the 4-bit values intohexadecimal. For example,101101100010101 = 101 1011 0001 0101 = 5 B 1 5. Note that a byte (8bits) is represented by two hexadecimal digits. Also, hexadecimalnumbers are often prefixed by '0x' to indicate it is a hexadecimalnumber, e.g., 0x5B15
The Intel Hex File Format is list of 'lines', where each line either (i) specifies data values at aparticular memory location or (ii)its a line indicating that its the end of the file. Each line hassix parts to it, where each part is also referred as a'field'.
- The first character in the line is always a colon ':'. Itis the first field, and is referred to as the start code.
- The second field is the bytecount, and is the number of bytes in the data field, which willbe described below. This value is typically either 16 or32. It is represented as two hexadecimal digits. So it iseither '0x10' or '0x20'. For our case, this value will typicallybe 16.
- The third field is a 16-bit addresswhich is represented by 4hexadecimal digits. The address is where the data will bestored in the PROM. For our case, the address will typically be0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0020, ..., which corresponds to the address values0, 16, 32, etc.
- The fourth field is record typewhich indicates whether the line has data or is an end of file. 00 = record type, and 01 = end of file.
- The fifth field is the data,and the number of bytes is specified by the byte count. Typically, the byte count is 16, so the data will be represented by 32hexadecimal digits, where 2 hex digits = 1 byte.
- The fifth field is the checksum,which is a value used to check whether any data is in error. Thecheck sum is a fancy way to data together to produce a 'sum' Thischecksum is stored. To check if the data is still good, the sumis calculated, and if it is different than the sum that is stored, thenwe know there is an error. If the calculated and stored sums havethe same values then it is assumed that there are no errors. Fornow, you don't need to know how this sum is calculated. But thechecksum is a byte = 2 hex digits.
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byte count of 0x10 = 16, an address of 0x0000, a record of 00 = data, and a checksum of 21. The second line also has data but starting at address 0x0010, and with a checksum of 0xf0. Thefinal line has a record 01 =end of file, byte count =0x00 = 0, address of 0x0000(since there are no data bytes), and checksum of 0xff.This specifies that the data to be stored is
Address (hex) Data (hex)
0000 f8
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0001 fa
0002 f9
0003 fd
0004 fe
0005 fe
0006 f9
0007 fa
0008 ff
0009 ff